What to Look for When You Buy Antique Furniture

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What to Look for When You Buy Antique Furniture

Deciding to buy antique furniture and adding a new piece to a collection can be an exciting endeavor. Evaluate the space or design theme you wish to find an addition for, and head to the auction houses. Once you think you have found the perfect addition to your Orlando home, follow these tips to make sure you are making an educated and safe decision.

What to Look for When You Buy Antique Furniture

  • Be thorough – Just like you wouldn’t buy a car without checking under the hood, a thorough inspection of any antique piece is necessary before purchasing. Inspect underneath and behind a piece and ask questions about what you find. Look for loose joints and parts that look like they’ve been replaced. Trust your gut if something doesn’t look right.
  • Original pieces – Patches in color and visual differences in handles and legs could mean that a piece is not genuine or original. Antique furniture is old and may be fragile but ask to have something tested new Orlando to make sure you are aware of the condition of a piece before you buy. If you plan to buy antique furniture for sitting, make sure it is stable enough to support weight.  Also make sure that the paint and finish of a piece match the trends of the time it claims to be from.
  • Holes or wear – In wood pieces, holes could mean instability, unoriginality and maybe even worms. Look for unexplained screw holes as this could be the sign of alterations or replacements that would affect the items value. Wood that is warped, faded and dirty can actually prove that a piece is genuine and not a replica. Know some background about a piece and if it looks too good to be true, ask more questions.
  • Do research – The best way to tell if you are getting a good value at an Orlando auction when you buy antique furniture is to be knowledgeable. Once you find a piece you like do some searching on similar pieces for tell-tale signs of authenticity or replication. For example, research will tell you that plywood wasn’t invented until the 1920s so you shouldn’t see it on anything claiming to be made before that time. Knowing these things will keep you from making a poor purchase decision.

Going to an auction house to buy antique furniture should be enjoyable but buyers need to be educated about how to get the most out of the experience. If you are just starting out in the antique furniture market or you are looking for somewhere trusted to go to, call Orlando Estate Auction at 407-290-1000 and find out when their next estate auction will be held.