How to Make the Most of Your Business Liquidation

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How to Make the Most of Your Business Liquidation

The decision to close your small or large Longwood company and liquidate the assets is not an easy one. Making the most of your business liquidation has a lot to do with the auction company you choose to hire.

At Orlando Estate Auction, we know the key steps to focus on in order make the process successful and profitable.

Analyze Your Assets. Prepare an extensive inventory of all your business assets, including photographs, serial numbers, and descriptions for each item. The term “assets” refers to basically anything that you can sell, whether that means tangible items such as chairs, cash registers, phones, company cars, etc., or nontangible items such as contracts, leases, or patents.

Prepare Tangible Assets. Some of the items may be worth a lot of money in business liquidation, but Longwood buyers aren’t going to buy worn down or dirty goods. Make sure your wash, polish, or repair any items that are in need of some TLC. The better your items appear, the more value a buyer will attach to them.

Determine The Value Of Your Assets. Working with a Longwood area appraiser can help you determine the approximate value of your collective assets, which will give you a better picture of what to expect in future decision making. For example, knowing the approximate net worth of your company can give you an idea of whether you’ll be able to pay back creditors and pay other associated business liquidation costs.

Choose The Best Way To Sell You Assets. When you’re not worried about time constraints, consignment sales or negotiated sales are options to consider, but they can be stressful and drawn-out. Retail sales can also work well if you are willing to let customers into your building to view and purchase items. This can also be problematic though because not all items may sell as quickly as you may need them to. The most efficient route is an auction because all items will sell quickly and for the highest price possible.

Call Orlando Estate for Your Business Liquidation Needs

If you’re in the unfortunate situation of business liquidation out of financial necessity, or if you are simply ready to move on to a new venture in your life, call Orlando Estate Auction. Our Longwood area team members can help you take inventory, spruce up, appraise, and sell all your assets efficiently so that you don’t have to endure any more stress. Call us today at (407) 290-1000 to get started or to find out more information about our services.