Our warehouse jobs consist of warehouse type work, moving and storage type work. live auction gallery work. You might want to be considered for our weekday work from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. or our weekend work which is on Saturdays from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sundays from 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
We have full time and part time warehouse jobs and moving type jobs available for online application submission. Respondants should be self-starters, able to carry and handle furniture, appliances and other household items, resonsible, posess good organization and planning skills, able to follow directions as well as be a leader, posess leadership skills, able to work in a fast paced environment, be a team player, have good hygiene and be courteous, be able to learn from repetition and recall.
In depth job descriptions are below the application form:
Please complete this form in its entirety and submit for employment consideration.
Weekday full and part time positions:
Our weekday warehouse and moving jobs are generally from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday to Friday. These applicants should posess a drivers license or commercial drivers license, good driving record, be punctual, dependable, reliable and trustworthy. As you will be responsible for picking up and transporting estate inventory and the displaying it in our auction gallery you will need to understand how to move items without damaging them or the building that they are being moved in our out of. Work is in a team atmosphere and all are expected to work as a team to accomplish the days work.
Saturday and Sunday part time positions:
We do have full time team members that work on the weekends as well as part time weekend only positions. Saturday warehouse job positions are from 3:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. during our weekly gallery auction. Team members will be responsible for loading of customer vehicles as wall as assisting during our live auction event by lifting, carrying, displaying, showcasing, furniture, appliances and other items being auctioned. During the live auction event team members might be staged to carry an item across the auction block, pointing at an auction that is currently being auctioned so that our customers are aware of what is being sold, staging items in line to go across the auction block, securing items to prevent theft and other general auction and warehouse type tasks. The live auction event is fast paced yet our team work atmosphere spreads the work amongst the team so the each membe feels included and is able to work at a comfortable pace.